Wednesday, March 28, 2012

DNA Haplogroups breakdown

quick Haplogroup summaries (these are summaries and not meant to be a complete description of each)

Haplogroup A is found mainly among the Khoi-San people of Africa , as well as in Sudan(specifically Nilotic Tribes in South Sudan) , and at small amounts throughout Africa .

Haplogroup B is found mainly among Pygmy and Hadzabe populations in Africa and interesting up to 50 % of the Nuer people of Sudan which is another Nilotic Language group.

Haplogroup DE is honestly an imagined Haplogroup due to Hap D and Hap E being YAP + they are the first example of "twin" groups so to speak in that a person could test DE and would later be found to be either D or E.

Haplogroup D is found mainly among Tibetans , some Japanese , and the Andaman Islanders

Haplogroup E is a majority of Africans , African Americans , Semetic peoples (North Africans , middle East) , as well as some in the Mediternean World and Europe

Haplogroup C is a real diverse Haplogroup as it makes up a good percentage of Mongols , Ainu , Na-Dene Amerindians , some other Amerindians , Australian Aborigines , also some found in India , Southeast Asia , China , and Polynesia

Haplogroup F is almost non-existant on it's own , but has been found in the Lahu people of China , as well as obscure traces throughout Eurasia and Oceania

Haplogroup G is found mainly among the Caucasians but also in Europe

Haplogroup H is found in the Roma people of Europe and India as well as traces throughout south Asia

Haplogroup I is almost exclusive to Europe and is closely related to Haplogroup J

Haplogroup J is found throughout the Mediternean world and in India , it mainly seems to be the haplogroup of Semitic peoples

Haplogroup K can be found in Polynesia and among Australian Aborigines

Haplogroup L is found mainly in India , among Dravidian peoples , but also among Aryans of India

Haplogroup T is widespread being found in South Europe , Egypt , Middle East , and India , this is the group that was believed to be the Phoenician group.

Haplogroup M is found in Melanesia

Haplogroup N is found for the most part among Uralic speaking peoples in North Eurasia

Haplogroup O is found among Han Chinese , East Asians , Austro-Asian speakers , Austronesian speakers

Haplogroup P is like Haplogroup DE in that it is kind of a "fake" group as it's members are really either Q or R

Haplogroup Q is the Amerindian Haplogroup in the main , also found in Siberia and Scandinavia

Haplogroup R is the Indo-European Haplogroup and it has been found in every continent of the World

Haplogroup S is found in Melanesia

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