Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Noah's sons , grandsons, and DNA

Y Chromosome DNA is the Chromosome passed down by males only and has been studied for years now to seperate all the men on Earth into what they call Haplogroups , but to use plain language "Genetic families". A few things they have found that surprised them (but not anyone that believes the Bible) is that we all come from one male that they call Y Chromosome Adam and regardless of differences in appearance our genetic differences are minor. What I have found of more interest is when you line up Noah , his sons , and grandsons with the Haplogroups  you get an interesting chart :

Descendant        Haplogroup
Noah                 A
Japheth              B
Ham                  C
Shem                 D
Gomer               E
Magog               F
Madai                G
Javan                 H
Tubal                  I
Meshech            J
Tiras                  K
Cush                  L
Mizraim             M
Put                    N
Canaan             O
Elam                 P
Asshur             Q
Arphaxad         R
Lud                  S
Aram               T

Now this list is not meant to be viewed the way it is written , this is just to show how remarkable it matches up . DNA is a major area of study , although it is plagued by the dogmatic intent that it has to be out of Africa no matter what it still does more to prove Genesis than to disprove it . In fact I believe because they interepet it as out of Africa that this is why they have to insert a bunch of hypothesized or "fake" groups into there tree . Examples are the group "BT" which doesn't exist and the group CT which doesn't exist because they are convinced that we came out of Africa . Only time will tell what they unravel about DNA Haplogroups.

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